Writing what pops in my head, listening to what others say, and trying not to reboot.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
So few and far between
Cryptic? Yes. This post comes at the end of a great deal of deliberation. Far at the end of the line, I need to be what Ilynn said so many years ago...self-sufficient and where I need to be.
Ill say this for the day ...
There are those I miss and those I long to be with from day to day. But, as Helen Melton Whitaker used to say "Crap in one hand and wish in the other and see which fills up faster...".
If, in the end I am wrong in this endeavor, Ill be incredibly surprised. It hasn't taken me this long to figure out what to do - its taken me this long to get up the courage to do it.
Ive had many stages in my life - very interesting ones - and Im thankful for them all. What comes next? Who knows. What I do know is this. Its time...just like Christy Boughman told me - its time to do something.
I need to be brave, less worrysome, and just do what needs doing.
Ten years from now, I'll look back on this and smile - and know it was for the best.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
The FearFest that COULD have been...
The staples were all present: the original Dracula (Nosferatu - silent and the 1931 with Bela Lugosi), Frankenstein, The Wolf Man, The Creature from the Black Lagoon - and rightly so. Even the marathons of the Friday the 13th and the Halloween series were welcome and seasoned in their blood, gore, and mayhem. On the other end of the spectrum, however - was the ghastly Italian import Slaughter of the Vampires and the public domain sequel to the Amazing Colossal Man - War of the Colossal Beast.
With a little more thought, the offerings could have included some of the classics - including the original Mummy, Witchboard, Interview with a Vampire, An American Werewolf in London, the (original) Blob, and about fifteen others.
Next year, AMC, perhaps you might even delight us with some of your original movies youve had produced and released to DVD. Leave the low (or no) budget pieces of work to yourself - or at least bring Elvira and Joe Bob Briggs back to entertain us.
Dont mistake me, AMC execs - thank you thank you for two whole weeks of very good movies and frightening fare - since no other network does as much as you do. All I ask, and there may be others out there, is take suggestions next time. We'd like to be part of the process.
And for Halloween, my good friends, i sign off and wish you ...very very ... pleasant....screams!!!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
FearFest - - Happy Halloween
I challenge you, my good readers, to think of the horror movies you like, if you like any of them. Ill tell you this.
Saturday evening/Sunday evening (which ever Trick or Treat'ers frequent), the DVR where I am will be showing the CLASSICS - Nosferatu, Frankenstein, Dracula, The Wolf Man, and The Creature from the Black Lagoon.
Pleasant screams!! ((evil laugh follows))
Monday, October 25, 2010
Reckless Abandon
With the AMC Fear Fest 2010 marathon entering its second week, Ill just quote Beldar Conehead before I sign off.
"Stability and contentment have been achieved".
Oh, and my song of the week, which 2LT Ramey calls "crappy" is - The Temper Trap's Sweet Disposition. VERY GOOD - at least in my opinion.
No rainy day blues here. Let's all hope that Caprice's classes are going well.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Before JPA sends me a note...
First, yes, I missed Homecoming. Im sure the MAB email will be scathing and harsh. Much like my meetings with MBW.
Second, its my step mothers birthday. Happy Birthday, Susan. You deserve the best after dealing with BDW for so many years.
Third, any questions? Lets hear them --- Ill be honest in subsequent posts ...
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Tropical Storm Otto
Thats not a bad way to have things unfold.
If youve been waiting...
In this case, I was not disappointed. I wonder what will play next. If you havent yet, sign up for a free account. It will keep up with playlists you like and always perks up an otherwise dull afternoon.
Also, if you havent looked, a friend of mine from Western has his own photography site on Facebook. If you need a little diversion, take a gander here. Matthew is very talented and I think he will do well.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Thermodynamics and feeling badly
In this particular case, feeling nostalgic for the past and listening to Imogen Heap, I see a particular photograph of someone from my past and can't help but wonder what if. JBR and ESD have both said to me recently that they wonder what if on occasion. I remember telling them that there is no point in doing that. The universe unfolds as it should. Looking back doesnt do anything at all but bring you to the point of tears and consume your whole self with doubt and sorrow about moments long gone.
I submit to you, whoever you are reading this, it is perfectly acceptable and maybe even encouraged to shed a tear or two about things that might have been. Don't misunderstand me. Gandalf said it best when he reminded Frodo that no one gets to say "I wish _______ had never happened". All we can do is decide (anything) one way or the other and hope that that decision is proper. If its not, well --- in that case.... all you can do is look a photographs and remember, with a happy disposition an easier time.
I could ramble on all day but - I made my choice. I am, for the most part, completely content and well taken care of. I cannot say that I regret where I am now - I certainly do not. RBB, 2 and PGR are amazing friends and keep me very centered - - - more so than in any time in my life. Still, how many of us dont just wonder - the possibilities? Thank goodness that every reality that can happen, has. If you believe in the intricacies of quantum mechanics, you've got that to look toward.
I will make a manifest effort to be happy in my own skin. As it stands now, I certainly am. I worry - like always - but things work out. I am safe, happy, fed, and secure. I can say that I do know who I am and where I belong. That has been a long time coming.
That doesnt mean that I miss the things that could have been. Thermodynamics aside - it would be nice to win. Maybe Im closer to it than I think. Maybe we all are...
...that doesnt mean I dont miss that one rainy night in Kentucky; or that one trip to Waterrock Knob on the foggy night; or the events that made me who I am today.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Maybe I shouldnt have asked for so much...
Holy crap - THAT was rain. Fall is here.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
And the rain listened...
Take a moment today to call someone you love and tell them that you do. You just never know. Its the things you don't expect...
Monday, September 27, 2010
Rain, Rain - - Stay.
Supernatural was a slight disappointment Thursday. Something about AD Skinner from the X-Files as the Grandfather just makes me feel like Mulder and Skully are sitting outside in a car waiting to arrest the Winchesters.
A big thanks this week to JPA for reminding me, yet again, I had become lax in writing and to Abshire for allowing me to explain the science and mathematics behind "The Event" on NBC.
One more thing - - PGR - for the Busch Light, the garage sitting, and for letting me lock you out of your house. Sorry about that.
Now - I wonder if its gonna rain Friday...
Thursday, September 23, 2010
All the great shows
There is Fringe...and Supernatural tomorrow night. Hallelujah!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Almost just isnt enough
Another good thing about this week is that the new seasons of your (and my) favorite shows are coming back...and none too soon. The Biggest Loser wont get good til about January, but at least Supernatural and Fringe are here again. The weekend is coming soon and I hope everyone has decent plans out there. Depth isnt coming these days. Ive been working on my latest short story and its consumed most of my pith and creativity.
If any of you play Frontierville - SEND ME BRICKS!! Im about to stop playing that effing game because I cant get what I need. Maybe its a sign...
...or maybe not.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Post One Hundred and Warehouse Thirteen
In other news - tomorrow is game night and we are on part three of our campaign. Sure could use another person for a third adventurer. Hump day tomorrow folks - have a good one and dont work too hard.
Monday, September 20, 2010
The diet begins - but its not the worst part
Yes, youre talkin to the guy who COULD at one time eat 6 Big Mac's at one sitting and still want a pie. Itll be a long road. My housemate's mother lost 30 pounds but at about a pound or two a week. I told someone that by July 4th I was hoping that I could wear a pair of their size 32 board shorts to the pool.
Time will tell. NO RAIN still - but eh, its coming soon enough. Stay tuned folks - ill be back soon enough.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
So far this September
Also, if you have NEVER seen it or heard of it, get on Hulu and watch Blacula and Scream, Blacula, Scream. These two films are just amazing. Campy? Sure. Blaxploitation? Absolutely. Still, Samuel Z. Arkoff really knew how to make 'em back in the day.
Its just about depressing that there is still no rain on the horizon. When this little drought we are in comes to a halt, the equilibrium that'll be needed to bring things back into balance will make the Flood for the Ark look like a Spring sprinkle, so that one I can wait for.
Besides in about five weeks, itll be the middle of OCTOBER...and the chill will really be on its way.
Oh, and my diet is goin pretty well. Im down 8 pounds and tryin to get down to a really unmanagable weight. Pull for me.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Three at once and
My brother-in-law said earlier "Just because you are paranoid, doesn't mean that theyre not out to get you." Man, thats the truth. Wanting something doesnt make it happen. Dreaming hard enough doesnt make dreams come true. Im not being pessimistic here, more like being realistic. Granted, the universe unfolds as it should - and I completely agree with that.
Ill keep being paranoid, it wont help, and no rain in the forecast til at least next week. At least my panic attack is over. It really sucked.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
The evening wears on
The rain holds off for another couple hours - and I wonder.
What comes next? I keep asking this question like it should strike me out of the blue. Eventually, Ill figure this one out for myself.
In the interim, Igor swirls, the rain approaches, and im gonna finish my beer.
Good news - dont panic
It should be an interesting day. Holler if you choose, tho Facebook wont be around TOO much.
Friday, September 10, 2010
The Book of Eli
Do more for others than you do for yourself, thats what I took from it anyway.
Monday, September 6, 2010
The Last Song
Ok, so the movie was predictable - but sometimes predictability is a good thing. Autumn is coming more quickly than I anticipated. I do sincerely wonder what will happen before Christmas in just about everything.
Oh yes, there is some perfect moment music imbedded pretty deep in the film. REALLY good. Ill have to search that out.
Soon - soon enough - time will tell. But damn, I sure as hell wish it would rain. There is ZERO in the forecast until at least MONDAY of next week. Perhaps thats when the winds will change direction and Ill push off from the dock. Heres hoping the sail can pick the breeze up and move me away.
Its never the stuff you see
This is going to be a bad bad afternoon.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
The Events in Order
My honorable mentions - - PGR - you were significant in a MUCH different way. You can be the Judge of what. Thanks for letting me be part of your family. JPA - you are something else. You taught me to get off my dead ass and stop feeling sorry for myself. Im glad Ive seen you do so much. Im proud of you. Nothing works unless you do. RC - you got married!! You found your purpose - - I told you would. Um Hum. Thanks for so much it goes without mentioning. Riverton High Football rules!
THE EVENTS (in chronological order)
Event Negative One - DJE. I had no idea that twenty six years later that this person would have been such an influence. This event taught me to be strong and just MOVE. Happiness comes by doing. Trust may be hard but when it counts - I know youll be there. Five.
Event Zero - STM. One movie, many posts, countless IM conversations. I am good enough just the way I am. Like it, lump it, fuck it, build a bridge and get over it. Respect is earned or taken. This one taught me that Im strong enough to do what needs doing.
Event One - BSJ. Saw this one this past weekend. Photo on Facebook to come. This one taught me I am looked up to. Im smart, fun, and protective. This one was the hardest to let go of. Moving on sucks sometimes, but if its meant to be - theyll show back up....even if its twenty years later.
Event Two - SDC. Mutual respect and protection are the names of the game. This event motivated me to leave one life and start another one. Man, was that a good choice.
Event A - BAF. Serendipity. You almost didnt become "Billboard" because we didnt want to lose you. You did - and things changed, but you are still one amazing guy. I think things worked out in the end. 465 or not - thanks for being a great friend.
Event B - KWL - Ken Colgrove. SPURS - through thick and thin - disappointment and elation. The twenty year plan is still in place. Thanks for telling me truth and still being my friend. That takes some balls.
Event C - TAH. Thanks for inviting a total stranger for Christmas. You changed the rules of the game and its players. For so many, you were the coolest person they knew and you were nice to them. Youll receive your reward - oh wait - I think you have. She looks amazing. Congrats.
Event Three - MAB. Holy shit. This one takes the top spot. This one taught me more than I can summarize. Only one true almost come to blows fight - but man, I love my little brother. The original, you might say. Look how far youve come. I called it - and it makes me so happy I could cry.
Event Four - BML. The days and nights spent talking, listening, planning are almost endless. The Southernmost point and the back porch are our places. The OC - Conclave - and Key West. Western Kentucky at Christmas and central Virginia in the Summer. The delivery of life changing news and a beautiful daughter. All things change but they will always stay the same - IBW.
Some ladies to thank as well.
AWD - Daddy would be so proud of you. I am. Great mother and wonderful wife. Stop giving Drew a hard time. Youre tough, smart, and not to be fucked with. I love my sister.
AMR - Beautiful family and more patience than Mother Teresa. Thanks for McDonalds frappe's and just listening to me ramble. Ill always be your Hazel. "Are you ready for your afternoon tea, your Grace?"
ESD - A man is the sum of his memories, me even more so. When I have to prove myself, I can say you taught me how. Im stronger, more able, and wiser because of you. The funny thing is that there about a thousand people who are too - because of you. Believe in yourself - there are a shit ton of people out there who believe in themselves because you did first.
CSB - One amazing house mate, ride sharer, and cook. You are one fine example of "my way or the highway". Thanks for supporting when no one else did.
Oh, and Caprice - for your continual support. You got what you deserved - the Happily Ever After. Imagine that...
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Part One of the Weekend
ESD - Thanks for talking last night. Glad I worked for THE Queen of Student Development.
AD - Next weekend for sure.
DJE - 3 PM
As a side note, everyone who talks to me should take down my drunken ramblings and let me read them the next day. Thats always fun.
Oh yes, it turns out that people on FB that I didnt think wanted to be friends have found me again. Thats a promising sign.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Early to Rise
I hope everyone has a great weekend. The Labor Day holiday has arrived. Summer is almost officially over. It has been a long hot one with a ton of changes for everyone. Lets hope that Fall 2o10 is a little wetter, a little slower, and a little kinder to us all.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Shifting gears, NEP told me a week or so ago that everyone makes mistakes and that there are people in this world who love me and worry about me. --deep exhale-- Of all the things Ive screwed up in the past, I wonder if absolution will ever come. I know I have to forgive myself for all my mistakes before anyone else can - if those apologies ever get made. On occasion, I wonder if I will turn out like my Dad did in the end; just before he died. I can remember him being riddled with guilt over things past and no idea what his future would hold. Im sure we all feel that way on occasion, but he didnt get over it.
If 1877 page views since May have been registered, that means that just 20 people look at this blog a day - which isnt too bad. There are a shit ton of people out there who couldnt count 20 friends from their whole lives...for that...Im blessed.
Part two of the Star Trek rant will come soon enough - man - I cannot get over just how unbelieveably bad bad bad that movie was. So much for reboots.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
The New Star Trek Movie - part one.
Well, I never thought any of my posts would resort to out and out ranting but this is just awful.
Nothing about the new JJ Abrams butchery of 40 years of a sci-fi icon is worthy of being seen over again. The first ten minutes is pure drivel. Since when did ships that old carry 20 shuttle craft? Since when would now orphaned Jim Kirk be listening to Beastie Boys Sabotage? Angels of Grace save us.
At least they got Vulcan right. Oh wait - what about the IDIC? I thought there was supposed to be a tolerance for things different. THE ONLY thing that was right was the green blood on Spock's lip.
What the hell is a Starfleet installation doing in the middle of Iowa anyway? Thats just preposterous. Ok - THEN Jim Kirk hits on Uhura? This is more than Darth Vader making C-3PO; oh wait - he did. And then Kirk morphs into some Matt Damon "Good Will Hunting" reject? Beyond insanity.
Lets move on to Bones McCoy - Hold old is he anyway? 40? AND REALLY? Medea is Starfleet Commander Komack? Honestly? Lets have Tyler Perry run Starfleet - wait Komack was a WHITE MAN! Anyone see the episode "The Trouble with Tribbles"?
Eric Bana as the Romulan who starts communications with "Hello?" and what the hell is "the red matter"? NO ROMANCE between Uhura and Spock. Just cant fathom that one.
More to come - but man alive -- so far SO BAD.
All this, and Im sober.
Event One - T minus Two days
Next weekend, I think I will pester the crap out of my sister before taking the trip to ATL to see Sam and Kim. Dear Lord - I wonder if staying out is good for me.
In the interim, RBB2 and I are watching the new Star Trek and totally destroying its content for fun.
Just a little rain would be nice...at least theres another rain maker behind this one.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
One right after the other
On the weather end of things, there have been three systems in the Atlantic Basin to talk about for over a week...and as one moved on to the north and became extratropical; another system rolled off the coast of Africa; one right after the other.
Since I usually draw a parallel to me from that scenario, Ill say this. Just as Earl began to swirl out in the ocean, a friend I havent seen in nearly 14 years dropped back onto the scene. I couldn't be happier about it. I know I posted several weeks back about Serendipity - finding something you needed right under your nose that you didnt see before. Well, while there are a great many people out there that I love and cherish - this one was almost like an Event One. Lets call this one Event Zero. What makes Event Zero different is that it makes me feel like I did in my late teens - really ready to do something daring. I never did because I worried about the consequences. Now, Im happy to report (while I still worry) Im a lot braver.
Plus Event Zero makes Chuck Norris look like a total wuss.
Next weekend is the premier showing of the "Semi Annual Regenthal Beer Fest and Grillout". Itll be as stellar as the other Semi Annual event I love (to see) at Vickie's Secret.
Sorry JPA, Ill try to do better. AMR, more crack soon!!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Twice the fun
Thats just what I did today.
Hope all is well out there. I think Ill start back to the writing tomorrow. Two storms at once...wow.
"Wouldnt that be somethin?"
Saturday, August 21, 2010
New Hurricane?
We shall see what we shall see. I wonder if Ill acquire the balls to contact Event One, because I still havent. I wonder if I will get to finish cleaning AMR's room this Monday. I wonder if I will get to see it rain this week. I wonder if I will call STM drunk one day - that one Im sure of.
Glad KG is back from the beach safe.
Quantifying When
Im still haunted by the actions Ive had in my life in the past four years and the post BML has on his page. I have made it my life's work to keep people around when I turn around, it has worked out that I ran them all away. Some of them needed to go - and I needed to go too.
Let me say this. If you are with people you care about, and you start to feel uncomfortable around them because of what they do - as habit - get new friends. I dont mean like out of your comfort zone learning uncomfortable. Im talking making you feel either like a) their kid, b) the awkward bystander in their needless arguments, or c) question why you are they way you are rather than just accepting you for your goods and bads.
As I said before, I know Ive fucked up before - shit we all have. Take it or leave it I say. If I need to get left, so be it. Just like something ABS said the other day, "After making do with what I had over the past year, I can make it on anything."
Thanks a lot for all the following and reading. I have enjoyed hearing from all of you. Thanks for reading my drama and taking it in stride. If you see your initials here, dont fret. I love you too.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Past or Future - Both Matter.
I have considerable difficulty moving beyond the fact that some people move on for good. Maybe they do. I got a note in my Facebook message box today...it has been in my mind since - and sitting here in my rainy day spot - since its really coming down - I have to say the external validation has arrived. Even though most of us have screwed up in the past, I am pretty sure that most people who read this consider themselves good friends. The kind of friends who listen and support even when they dont agree.
Maybe some people are just so afraid of the uncertainty of the future they prefer the security of analyzing the past. Making sure that whatever comes along, they are not destined to repeat the mistakes of days gone by. Theres value in that. I guess I just got paralyzed by it...I still am. At least now I can try to fix that issue.
Its almost time to write again. Dare to think about what that experience will be like. Heres to some more meterological motivation and more rain.
Monday, August 16, 2010
"The only thing dead at my party was the salisbury steak!"
((about 1:15 in))
Just beyond funny. Thought Id drop it in since today has been full (of it.) of reflections and deep thoughts.
Reforming in the Gulf
If I can just settle on this rewrite, take less Xanax, and do the Wii fit once a day, this whole idea of tomorrow over yesterday may work. Tho, God knows, Im still gonna need a shit load of therapy. At least we get BBC America now and Doctor Who is back on Saturdays. Its really the little things...
Looking ahead without forgetting behind
Those five people (not to leave anyone out but Im pretty sure they know who they are already) - just sit on the deck of the Hurl Rock and watch the people go by. Just one evening - wind surf and weird people.
Thats one look ahead without forgetting what was behind.
Thanks Mancub, you are the best.
When you make your own bed, you lie in it
MAB is right to say when you move on, so do others. Maybe that quote from MBL was right after all. I dont lament the past or wonder what could have been. I made some crappy choices and here I am. I wouldnt change them, as I think Ive learned more from fucking up than I would have if everything was smooth sailing.
I will simply counter the MAB statement with this. Before I left, dropped off the face of the Earth, vanished from society, moved off the grid - whatever youll call it --- the other person did it first. If not, at least I got the distinct message to move on from them first. Dont misunderstand the point I am trying to make. It can be easier to just disappear than have to sit through the hard truth that things youve done suck or have disappointed others. The disappearance admits that disappointment.
There are just a few folks out there that I do miss. Missing them doesnt change the present. I asked a very certain friends what was better - the cold hard truth or a really good lie. I know Im too afraid of the truth to ask.
Let it be said I know my failings. Constructive critism is appreciated and welcome. Beating a dead horse however, is not.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Facebook Chat Etiquette
I think it sends a signal that they dont want to talk to you - or theyd say hello first. OR it could be that they are just SO monstrously busy that there is no time to drop a simple sentence or note to keep in touch.
I could say something like "expletive" off - instead Ill just say Hurrah! Egocentrism!
Yeah, Im kinda bitter about it.
On the Illusion of Original Thought
-Mark Twain
Reading the posts of the past week, I realized that most of them start with "I" and even had matching titles for two of my seventy-one entries thus far. I do my best to be original and creative. Ive been reading a John Grisham novel just to make sure that Im not a terrible writer. Turns out - Im mediocre - which is ok - its better than being outright crappy.
I very much enjoy publishing my thoughts. I used to think blogging was a complete waste of time but continue to find great solace in the process.
Im also watching Family Guy and while Seth MacFarlane can be controversial, he is VERY bright and has a great writing style.
Have a good week everyone and look out for bad weather - half and half chance every day through Thursday.
Pet product marketing at a new low
"Feed as a snack to have more special moments with your dog."
For the Love of Mary, seriously? Thats the best the marketing people could come up with? Get real. I suppose the scary piece of this is that there are people out there who read that and say "Awww" and throw a treat at their dog.
One more thing - you are NOT a pet parent. Angels and Ministers of Grace defend us. That is a serious all time low. I realize you love your pet, but you are best suited to parent members of your own species. Pet parent. Wow. As MBW would say , "Thats just beyond the pale." Sorry Caprice - I know you love your dogs.
The Uncertainty Principle - Take Two
About a week ago, there was a little tropical storm in the Gulf of Mexico. It moved inland and that was about all she wrote concerning that disturbance...
...while it doesnt happen typically, the remnants of that storm are moving back out to sea! Even though there is just a 30% chance that it will redevelop, it dawned on me that things arent over - til theyre over. Uncertainty rules, and sometimes that uncertainty is just delicious.
Its raining here at the moment - slow and steady with NO wind at all. I believe Ill turn on the fan and just sit here with a nice Fresca (yes, I like Fresca - dont laugh) and think.
Fifteen minutes can save you...
Every Executive Officer I ever had as Chancellor was a woman. Women are better leaders and organizers, in my opinion. I see all these women I am friends with on Facebook and read some of their posts - and Ill say that Im really glad that I havent made any of them mad. Hell hath no fury, remember.
I keep hearing bangs upstairs. Mind you, its almost one a.m. and there are two eleven year olds up there doing God knows what. Believe it or not, the radar is showing a large echo moving north of all directions toward the house. Maybe tonight will have a little shower before its all said and done.
A few people are on vacation at the beach and I hope they are doing well. Aliens is on Spike and I have no intention of going too far. My sister's birthday was today and all indications were that she had a great time. I still see her sometimes as the 9 year old in the Easter dress swinging on the old playset in our back yard on Faircrest Drive. Way to go, ASWD - if you see this.
The long dog days of summer are rolling past. Before you know it, fall will be on us. I wont be complaining - some of the best weather to see happens in the early Autumn - right about the first couple weeks of October. Until later today, I hope all is well out there in cyber space and that you each take care of yourselves.
The story continues to be written - first draft done soon.
I still miss STM and TAH.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Quiet - - before the storm
Tomorrow holds more. I think my mood is improving and Ill be able to write again. I hope so - I hate being droopy.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Something is just off tonight
Having a thing is not so pleasing a thing as wanting. Ive said it before. Tonight its true. I wish I was more in tune - maybe Im just having one of those self-pity moments. I need GunnySergeant to tell me to get over myself being mamby pamby (circa the new Geico commercial). I started to think maybe Im just lonely but my house mates are just upstairs.
I need to be more content and less upset about things that arent - rather than glad about the things that are. Hows that for cryptic? Maybe the longer I sit here near the rain, the more content Ill be. Nothing works unless you do, JPA says. Happiness comes by doing - so I better get my fat ass to work, before I DO get old.
Thanks for the rain, Pop. It was magnificent.
Just when you least expect it
Nonstop. Rain. Thunder. Lightning. Light Wind.
The story elements are all in place. Im just writing them down - and listening to JPA talk business.
I wonder what Colorado is like this time of year. I miss STM.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
The Light of Other Days
So, I am going to give it a redux. Its title is from a Arthur C. Clarke novel about mankind achieving the ability to look into the past into the lives of others so anyone can have ubiquitous knowledge of anyone else...no more privacy.
My story is about MY own mysterious tremendium - as we have discussed here previously. It may take a few days and drafts to finish but I will post it when its ready - if I still have the balls to do so...or I may just email it to a couple of you and get a reaction before I do.
I missed you all - thanks for looking for the updates.
141, 237, 330, and 474
Find those numbers.
I thought of many of you when I saw them - and they matter most to me.
474 especially - you guys are mine.
Whether Weather is Wiser than Me
At the same time, I have heard from a number of people I didn't expect to hear from today. Unfortunately, Event One was not one of those people. Alas, things never seem to happen the way you might want them to. You have to take what you are given and go with it. This leads me to ask whether or not you can really go home again. This metaphor has given me pause for thought in the past but sometimes you might want to ask if you actually want to visit home again. Situations might be better elsewhere - since my house DID miss a pretty nice thunderstorm by about 9 miles today.
Dont get me wrong. Since July 4th - Ive seen some truths I didnt expect. Ive talked to people I didnt expect Id talk to. Ive had some pretty insightful conversations and Ive seen Are You Being Served? roll over back to its first episode in syndication. What happens next? Ive asked this in a couple posts before. Chief Ambassador Emeritus Alexander enlightened all of us when she asked The Question of the Ages.
Maybe Ben Affleck said it best...(which would astonish all of us)...but he said...(and guess the movie)
"Sometimes the people we meet change us forever. I've never forgotten ___________ (and you can put your name here) and I'm pretty sure I never will. Wherever [she is] you are, I really hope you are [she's] happy. In the end, all you can do is commit to the people you love, hope for a little luck, and some good weather."
Maybe Mother Nature is wiser than me, wiser than us all - its been my experience that she comes through when you really need her to. I think Ill enjoy the good weather - and wait for a little rain...like I always do.
Two Days or a Week
As for now...the new me...

Sunday, August 8, 2010
Going out...
I hope everyone had an excellent and to Andrew, if youre reading this from England - have a pint for me.
My Three Followers
I know that there are others who read this blog and Im very glad to have you all along for the ride. For now at least, these are the three who have clicked "Follow" on the right hand side of the screen. A man is more than the sum of his readers - oh wait - thats memories. This man is the sum of a lot of Big Mac's and Doctor Who.
Later on, whether weather will wait and perhaps another treatise or two.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Deep Impact - No, I mean the movie...
Tomorrow is another day - with new challenges. Fear not though, my gentle readers. I'll always be right here.
Hope Springs Eternal
When it rains, plans get changed. Back up ideas come into play more easily. Opportunities to spend meaningful time together with people you love get pushed up...and that harmonious sound of the falling precipitation on the roof of where you happen to be just lulls your souls into a deep slumber away from worry and care.
You know what feels better than the most amazing love? Getting a second chance to find it again - after you thought you lost it - for anyone - whether agape, philia, eros, storge, or whatever YOU want to call it. Getting a second chance captures imagination - since it rarely happens.
Hope springs eternal...
Its just the way things happen
I think Im realizing how selfish I am and wishing I wasnt. Sometimes being in the house is so much easier, and sometimes it just makes me realize how much Ive lost. Losing things just makes me incredibly less likely that Id risk losing again. I wish it was as easy as deleting a program or erasing a pencil mark. Its just the way things happen and I have to get on board. If I dont, Ill get out of the way and never try to cross the street again.
Someone just posted...
"Things turn out best for the people who make the best out of the way things turn out."
So Ill just sit here - watch Being Human on BBCA - wait for Bruce to level up to meet me - and make the best out of the way things happen.Into the Great Beyond
I regret a lot of things. A post on that topic would ramble on for DAYS. Most of you that can see this blog already know the biblical amount of screw ups Ive had in my time. The phone call didnt happen. I am too caught up in my own worry about what may lurk beneath any surface - be it emotional, spiritual, or my karma caught up to me.
The only thing I can read into that episode of 'Haven' tonight (which if you havent seen you might consider DVRing it) - and my own current situation - remains simple. Where do I fit in to the scheme of things with so much time past? If time changes people and situations, then where do I belong in the lives of people I missed as I moved along my own way? PGR tells me that I am all I need. I see the truth in that. Sometimes in want but never in need is a really decent place to be.
Sometimes, when I want, I know exactly what that want is. Yesterday I said having a thing is not so pleasing a thing as wanting. That statement, no matter how logical, has no bearing on trying to recreate that perfect moment. Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not its ending. Serenity should be sought out - especially if it soothes the soul and gives strength.
I know Ive said a lot here, and rightfully so. When I do get the nerve up to get a hold of Event One - Im hoping I get a different response to the look Duke shot Nathan tonight outside the Grey Gull. And since I try to have pithy dialogue here - tying this post into the last one about Dad - Ill say this to those gentle readers out there.
I am not my father. I am my father's son. I have many of the same likes and dislikes and yes, some of the same flaws too. I said once that my Dad was a real son of a bitch. He didn't always hit the mark, but his heart was in the right place - and he was always there for me when i REALLY needed him. Dirty Martini told me tonight that I was a good friend...and so did PGR. Those two people know me pretty well, and for anyone Ive let down before - it wasnt intentional. I think anyone who knows me at all knows Id never intentionally fuck someone over...
...sometimes my fear just gets in the way.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Looking like your Dad
I told Brandon Farmer once that I was really glad I knew his Dad. It was like looking into the future of being friends with him. Gene Farmer is a funny, smart, great guy to hang out with and a good parent...just like Brandon was destined to become. They even worked in the same field (at least for a while).
I dont mind looking like my Dad. My only worry is that if I am built like my Dad, I have 10 years left to live. Guess I need to lay off the Big Mac's...
...and thanks for everyone who liked the beard. Too prickly - - goatee seems much cooler.
Yes -- The Beard...
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Doing the thing that makes you most scared
Its not so much that the storm came back to life as it parallels a question Ive been pondering. Once again, answered by today's PGR visit.
That phone call Ive been putting off happens tomorrow. For good or ill, at least I know I followed the instinct for once...instead of the ole' brain...which does nothing good whatsoever.
Picture of the beard tomorrow - and then shaving...if anyone is paying attention.
Anticipation or Disappointment
Spock said once that having a thing is not so pleasing a thing as wanting. It isnt logical but its almost always true. Im pretty sure everyone that reads this thing knows that Im only after a couple things in this life. Being included as an equal, some security (ok, a lot of it), and walking up happy. Money, career, and power can really be excluded from all that except for the ability to go to the beach once a year is prohibited without a decent bit of income.
So Im left wondering...am I better off sitting here; well taken care of mind you, house to live in, food, recreation, good friends - or do I make the next step to looking again for that mysterious thing...elusive - and hope that I dont screw it up like old times. I gotta tell you sometimes its a lot easier to be a hermit.
The rain keeps comin today - one line after another. I cant say I dislike it. Its pretty amazing. It was HOT earlier - now - 77 and rain...with more on the way.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
As a follow up to a post
Ok, this is correct - at least in my experience. Earlier in the blog posts, youll see a pretty negative post from me. I think whats listed above is more to the point I was trying to reach.
Can you give an example of one thing you like and dislike about me? and yourself?
Im interested in what I get back.
Video One
A-ha - The Sun Always Shines on TV
(Very 80's - a follow up to "Take On Me")
Im playing keyboards - and as for my part - Id create a friend trying to comfort the really attractive female and seeing if we could bring the lead singer back from the odd-black-and-white-scribble world.
Anyone else?
My Own Music Video
If you were in one of those videos - you know the kind where there is an interesting story set up but then the other half of the video is on stage with the lights and fireworks (perhaps even one of those concert flashes now and again)...answer these two questions...
What would the song be and what role would you play in both the video and the band?
OK this one is harder than I anticipated. I was expecting this not to have this much trouble but I am having sensory overload. Give me a little while to consider this and put your own thoughts in as well. Im sure Dr. Cox will be checking in fairly soon.
Weird Dreams and the like
It rained this morning and I didnt even see it coming. I was awoken by the sound of rain beating against the front door. More expected today but man - if rain is going to sneak up on me - I wonder what the heck else is out there Im not expecting...good or bad.
"Its never the stuff you see coming...its always the stuff that you NEVER expect that really ruins your day." - DAW
Wonder what BSJ is doing today?
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
What a difference A Day Makes...
I worry that the thrill of finding old friends come anew will come to the same fate. I guess Im looking at it this way. If you leave something in the hamper long enough, provided its not completely foul, a teeshirt becomes pretty much wearable again. Not such a great comparison perhaps, but I have to say that finding friends I hadnt seen in a decade again felt a lot like that - anything I had fucked up had pretty much come out in the washing machine of events called time.
Theres a larger point Im trying to stay away from here. Im not sure I can properly articulate it - and I have given the matter thought over a couple days. Im working on it...Ill preview it by saying I need to capture the essence of this video - in words.
Any suggestions?
Monday, August 2, 2010
A Post from the desk of Bruce Boughman
If you play, and would like to get into the experience more, hop on Draka server and send a pvt message to Hytiereon.
For the Alliance.
Intertropical Convergence Zone
Dont mistake me here - 1997-2004 - those times were amazing and made me who I am today. I dont regret them or (just about) anything I did in that time span. I do wonder what life would have been like if I had just stayed in Winston and never went to Western to begin with. I still feel as inadequate at times as I did then. The only difference is that I can compose a 10 page paper on it with correct citations.
Beyond those thoughts tho, I find myself wondering why people come and go. Ive tried to pinpoint where it was that some of the people I loved moved away from my central focus. No luck so far. Ill keep at it though.
In weather news, Tropical Depression 4 has arrived in the ITCZ. Heres hoping a nice LONG rainmaker comes this way.
...so needless to say that at least one thing to come from Saturday is that I now have a new favorite beer.
Reconnecting with old friends still makes me panicky. Im not sure why but seeing old faces and what the years have done (or not done) to them very much freaks me out. I havent been off the couch today - I think its fairly safe and unobtrusive here. I will most likely remain here for another hour before venturing out into the rest of the house.
I really had a great time with Philip and Amber last night. Their kids are great and the pizza too. I hope all the reconnections go as well - though I wonder about that.
Maybe some Revelations are for the best.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Ten beers into it...success!
I have seen the ENTIRE range of emotion from open weeping to anger to laughing out loud. The afternoon draws to a close and the experiment was a success. Deep down, I had really hoped to talk to the best parts of myself. I did! Someone up there is looking after me for sure.
Nonetheless, I am still sitting here by myself in the garage waiting for the rain to start again. What happens now? What the hell am I supposed to do after all this revelation?
I am but a single person among the seven billion on this Earth to draw breath. Do my needs outweigh any others? No. Absolutely not. There are so many starving and without any help whatsoever. Those people need more help than I would ever need.
The silence sets in tho - no wind - no rain - just quiet contemplation.
There is expectation of more rain later - and with it - the hope of yet a new beginning.
The OC - this post is for one person...
and holy crap - who knew a case of beer would solve two years of worry, pain, and uncertainty?
I still think of this EVERY time it rains - - - - and I wonder if I made the right choice?
Was it even my choice to make?
According to you, I did the right thing.
Only time will tell.
Remember Laura - - - - Who knows what the future will bring? Even now - - - - a new future could emerge...
I will wait and see...
One More Mr. Humphries post
What is camp anyway? Im sure the gentle readers who follow this stream of thought haven't the faintest idea. According to Wikipedia, my favorite reference, states...
"Camp is an aesthetic sensibility wherein something is appealing because of its bad taste and ironic value. The concept is closely related to kitsch, and things with camp appeal are described as being "campy" or "cheesy". When the usage appeared, in 1909, it denoted: ostentatious, exaggerated, affected, theatrical, and effeminate behaviour, and, by the middle of the 1970s, the definition comprised: banality, artifice, mediocrity, and ostentation so extreme as to have perversely sophisticated appeal.[1]"
I LOVE CAMPY!! If I'm Mr. Humphries - then I am the true personification of camp. Hell, you people know me...am I?
This is only a test - but for real
I hope to prove that my posts are either better sober or better drunk. You be the judge - beer # 2 is going in now. No lunch.
...let the games begin.
The And Credit
The third credit that should be included in this post is the "With" credit. This person can be absolutely anyone from cameo appearance of a former star to just a person who comes on screen a couple of times but has some influence on the piece. This isnt always the case. Babylon 5 regular Peter Jurasik (as G'Kar) had the aforementioned credit and his character was central to just about every episode.
Now, the crux of the post, the all-famous and fun "And" quote. My two favorites are "And Martin Sheen" from The West Wing and "And Judi Dench" as the kickass M from the new James Bond movies.
The And credit is awarded to that actor who, when they come onto the scene, captures all the action, suspense, and nuance from any the other players. Think about it - how many 'and' actors you really enjoy?
Ive asked a ton of people which credit they want. As for me, I want...
"And Dave Whitaker as the Chancellor Emeritus" Damn, I really love the way that looks.
Friday, July 30, 2010
The Mysterium Tremendum - A Memoir Version
According to Otto, the numinous experience has two aspects: mysterium tremendum, which is the tendency to invoke fear and trembling; and mysterium fascinans, the tendency to attract, fascinate and compel.
A few years back I was helping someone with a philosophy paper. While reading the background material, I came across an interesting passage I have fixated on ever since.
I have had this conversation with a select few of you. I have been in search of the perfect moment for a very long time. Ive actually experienced a version of it - a couple times. Once on the banks of the Tuckaseegee River in East LaPorte, North Carolina and once in the college town of Murray, Kentucky. ((This line of thought will contradict later sentences - just go with it.))
A philosopher believes that man (and woman) moves through life looking for the perfect moment. This moment transcends every other moment in their respective lives. The moment evokes a true surreal experience and fills the soul with a true and absolute serenity. This philosopher believes that man (or woman) lives the rest of their lives trying to recreate this moment. It is incredibly rare to experience it again - the intensity of the emotion - because, as he puts it, its not like the first time.
I have posted earlier this week about not being able to go home again. I have dreamed about this moment. Ive written short stories about it. I know one of the people who keeps showing up in that dream. I can picture the moment with stark clarity. Having actually experiences two versions of it - I can completely relate to this philosophy. I have spent a very long time and expended a great deal of personal, spiritual, and emotional capital to get back to that place. Just like the Nexus in Star Trek Generations, unfortunately is its not something you can reach without destroying the things youre traveling in at the time.
After I read that passage in the philosophy outside the old Helder Hall (which is no more - having been replaced last year), I came away with the thought that you just cant get back to the moment that made you feel most alive. Sure, there are other moments and new people who bring you hysterically close to it. In the end, the moment just isnt the same.
Should you simply live in the memories as you age and relish them as treasured moments OR should you try to create your own future moments that COULD exceed the ones you had before?
"Stars were falling deep in the darkness
as prayers rose softly, petals at dawn
And as I listened, your voice seemed so clear
so calmly you were calling your god
Somewhere the sun rose, o'er dunes in the desert
such was the stillness, I ne'er felt before
Was this the question, pulling, pulling, pulling you
in your heart, in your soul, did you find rest there?
Elsewhere a snowfall, the first in the winter
covered the ground as the bells filled the air
You in your robes sang, calling, calling, calling him
in your heart, in your soul, did you find peace there?"
Even when the moment is over, living inside that setting can truly bring you peace. I know all of you have had the same experience as me, whether you have given it a moment's thought or not. When you close your eyes tonight - picture it and relish it and claim that perfect moment for your own.
Truth is subjective
No matter - the only thing I got out of last nights post is a headache and feeling like my own truth and activities and actions dont matter to anyone but me. Feels like no matter any circumstance - whether it be educational background, club participation, leadership opportunities - if someone tells you that experience is meaningless - it is - at least to them. The only reason the participation matters is if it helps you deal with the world around you.
I feel like all the things Ive done since 1997 have given me a set of tools to deal with the world. Granted, I freak out a lot and curl up in a ball because I get incredibly frightened at things. Nonetheless, I know I have acquired a number of skills that allow me to understand why things work or at least be able to show proof as to why.
I operated on the premise that it mattered what I could prove. Apparently, that premise is flawed. It only matters what I feel. Proof seems to be irrelevant. Only passion in argument matters. Yes, I am drawing an extreme parallel here. At the moment though, that is my truth.
The truth that if you believe someone else is better than you, they are. And if you dont, then they dont. If the proof is in the pudding, that pudding tastes like crap and has been out on the counter too long.
Just curious and I do need some feedback here
I have recently been called more of a follower than a leader. I have had leadership positions before. I enjoyed those experiences - I thought they made me a better person. Certainly, I have failed and succeeded - as I though most leaders did. I thought I even had a leadership style I could define and explain. My own self-image just seems to be totally incorrect.
After having this explained to me by someone who has known me since Reagan's second term, Ive got some things to say.
First, I am apologetic to anyone who I have offended by being a know-it-all douchebag. I also apologize for being difficult, dramatic, mean spirited, and harsh. The adjective that's been applied most recently is "snippy". (In itself meaning - a chip on my shoulder, attitude, angry, disgusted, etc.)
Second, I can't believe what a completely boorish dolt I have been the past fifteen years. Now, its been explained to me that people cant tell me the truth about me because it will hurt my feelings. Since that's already happened, please dont hold back now. If I am an irritant, tell me. I don't need to be saved from myself. I want to be a better person. I thought most people did.
Third, in the future, if you need to tell me something that I should improve, go ahead and just say it. It will save us both a great deal of frustration afterwards. I am not hostile as I see the situation so the worst that will happen is for me to yell and perhaps cry a little. If you dont have the balls to stand that, then we probably shouldnt be friends in the first place.
When I get comfortable, Ive been told, I get more apt to just say what Im thinking. I hold back and put a happy face on when Im in public - being more socially acceptable; Dr. Bardo would call that the "socially acceptable answer." No one wants to hear about your crappy day when they ask, "How are you today" in the grocery store line. I thought I was as apt to tell someone to go fuck themselves as I would be that they were a nice person.
Your thoughts here, as the genteel reader of this rambling, would be appreciated if your schedules would permit.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
I swore I'd NEVER fly into ATL
I am considering taking a trip to ATL to visit Sam and Kim before October. I have enough Sky Miles to get down there and back for five bucks! So - now - we wait for SOMEONE to decide when her schedule permits a visit.
Moving back to an earlier post, I suppose it is possible for people to change. Not inherently, but "time and knowledge" may just alter your perception. For example, if you DIDNT drink in college, but DO now, it could be because of many different reasons. I used to hate coffee but now I love it. I guess you have to develop a taste for that sort of thing. Just like drinking or relaxing a little - you have to slide into it.
Im glad someone I know has lightened up - and I cant wait to get a nice case of Bud Light and talk about old times.
...as long as there is NO turbulence. Otherwise, Ill be drunk when I get there.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Whats better - whiskey drunk or beer drunk?
When weighed against each other, the beer drunk just feels more appropriate for me. It takes about 5 hours to get nice and tip-of-the-nose-numb drunk. There is nothing more enjoyable than having that feeling of comfortably numbness creeping across your extremities. Not all at once mind you, as whiskey or something as strong or stronger may cause - - but gradually. The journey is half the fun.
Mundane items become laughable or at least bearable. Laughable items become even more enjoyable - but the trick to the whole task is to be gradual...and drink a little water in the end. Oh yes, I also load up with a multivitamin when I begin and just before bed. Seems to work pretty well - in my case anyway.
Beer drunk is the verdict. Bud Light - between 14 and 24 - will do the trick every time.
Thanks for the Angels to Airwaves, Cox. Very nice.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Alternate Realities
I realize that I have said that the universe unfolds as it should, and indeed it has been my experience that it does. Of course in an alternate universe, maybe things dont really unfold as they should. Maybe there is a Murphy's Law Universe where you are just screwed from birth and things only go your way rarely. That would suck more than the universe we have now.
It was good to hear from the people I did today. Still working on "The Loremaster" title and boy, is it a bitch. Ill leave with a couple shoutouts to readers...
Caprice - you know, my first car was a Caprice Classic. Just like you --- timeless and classic.
Avola - Sorry the weather control units are down for repair. Good luck with golf.
Regenthals - Cant wait to see you.
Ashley/Drew - Hope you are having a good week. Thanks for not being mad about last weekend.
I hope in this universe those people read this. Of course, they already have / haven't / never met me / are sitting here as I write this.
Man, quantum mechanics can get in the way of things.
Here it comes again
I also had an enlightened moment last night talking to my old friend. Even though it can sometimes be many months between the times we talk, seems like the foundation of our friendship is as strong as ever. Im very glad some things dont change.
And now that Im not waiting on the rain anymore, or at least for today, I am going to enjoy it. I hope wherever you are, you enjoy yours too.
Special Weather Statement
213 PM EDT TUE JUL 27 2010
213 PM EDT TUE JUL 27 2010
AT 15 MPH.
Dont give up JUST yet
AND Star Trek V is on HDNet. It really is the little things...
Special Weather Statement
1149 PM EDT MON JUL 26 2010
1149 PM EDT MON JUL 26 2010
AND 1245 AM.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Wouldn't that be somethin'?
Thunderstorms tonight - at least thats what the forecast calls for. I think I may wait up and see and hope the medicine doesnt take me to sleep first.
Looks hit and miss on the radar...a striking parallel to the way things go in life.
The best laid plans of mice and men...eh?
Thus says Bruce Boxleitner in the Tron Legacy trailer - at about 0:58 in - and that look on his face...just hoping things would work out...that he would get to see his long lost friend...
Wouldn't that be somethin'?
A Thousand Words Worth - in movie and song
The last 2 minutes of The Shawshank Redemption
The last 8 minutes of The Green Mile
The last 2 minutes of How To Make an American Quilt
The these scenes from The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King and this one
This clip from Steel Magnolias - starting at 7:47 (especially the hug at 8:55)
and this - the clip that sent me to look for my ole pal Steve Mitchell - Start it at 8:00
Music? Let me post my "Life CD" - twenty-two songs to make you think of Dave Whitaker
- Enya - Last Time by Moonlight
- ATB - Here With Me
- Keane - Everybody's Changing
- Schiller - Schiller
- Vertical Horizon - You Say
- Siouxie and the Banshees - The Ghost In You
- October Project - Return To Me
- Enigma - The Cross of Changes
- Gomez - How We Operate
- Band of Horses - No One's Gonna Love You More
- Enya - Caribbean Blue
- Erasure - Phantom Bride
- 4 Strings - Let it Rain
- Madonna - Take a Bow
- Imogen Heap - Hide and Seek
- David Wilcox - Language of the Heart
- Conjure One - Center of the Sun
- A-ha - The Sun Always Shines on TV
- Alanis Morissette - Everything
- Andy Williams - Moon River
- Stabilizers - Tyranny
- Lindsay Buckingham - Go Insane
Ok - its pretty out there and some of the songs are VERY old and cheezy, but they have some sort of sentimental meaning...Ive actually linked most of them so you can see the youtube videos and get a better picture of my tastes (or lack thereof) in music.
...and now you know.
Guess someone wanted to disagree
That's life kid. You lose the things you love." - Grandma Addams
Come on, people. Really? I absolutely refuse to believe this kind of nihilist philosophy. Its just insane. There must be some chance for the redemption of things lost. Even Milton wrote Paradise Regained...and while titles dont always tell the whole story - I think he means for us (as people) to focus on the chance to make everything better again.
Now, I will go so far as to say, like trips to Narnia, revisitations of the past happen differently every time. I have this sneaking suspicion that karma is trying to tell me my recent re-discovery of someone isn't going to be what I expect.
Ah, to hell with it. I'm still going to hope for a little redemption in the face of being a huge spazz fuckup.
Looks like a good chance of a storm today. Keep your eyes (and your heart) looking up even though it may not work out.
Yes, Caprice. I still agree with what you said. I cant help it.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Agree to disagree
Someone I admire posted this as a favorite quote. I can see where this quote would make sense. However in light of recent events, I cannot embrace this whatsoever. There may be good reason a person is no longer in your "immediate now" that have no negative connotations at all. I long for quite a few people from my past.
I wish I could keep them all close, the good ones I mean. Certainly, I will heed the underlying meaning about not lamenting the fact that my path has taken me where I am - and that path had led away from some people that I very much loved - and still love. For instance, there is a perfectly delightful spot in western Kentucky I SHOULD have moved to so I wouldn't be just a piece of someone's past.
Keeping your eyes toward the future allows for personal growth. Stunting that growth by wishing for things that cannot BE any longer can be horrible. That feeling of something missing can hold you back. I get it.
I can't subscribe to the opinion that leaving old friendships behind simply because they were in the past as a valid one.
You can agree to disagree, as I've said, but I am not changing my mind.
Besides, I found someone from the past recently and it gives me hope - that there can always be new beginnings - even for people like me.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
It's Saturday Night!
Glad to hear from Laura today. She is still as amazing as she was eleven years ago. Thanks again for everyone reading this. Tomorrow, a dialogue on the mysterium tremendum.
Too bad about Tropical Storm Bonnie. She sputtered out before making landfall. Perhaps the remnants will show up here in a couple days. This summer heat - let me tell you - is almost unbearable. Makes me miss the winter snow this past January.
The Book about the Pink Dragon

Following up on the last post, this book is about a pink dinosaur who dreams big. He longs for exploring beyond his home. When he finally gets the chance to leave his small bay, exciting adventures ensue. Of course, he realizes that once he leaves - all he wants is to return home. Serendipity, after all, is the state of having what you needed all along right in front of you.
Bullet points? Yeah, here they are.
- Having a thing is not so pleasing a thing as wanting. It isn't logical, but it is ALMOST always true.
- Knowing who you really are will bring you happiness. (its in the picture above)
- Like I said last night, the only person who HAS to like you - is you.
Finishing up this day
In the end, Carter just said "You can't always be the good guy." Breaking Erika's heart wasn't easy, but Carter knew that the best thing that could happen was to let go. Erika's parting words were "I love you." She was visibly devastated but time heals all wounds. Well, maybe not heal them but make them less tender to the touch. After a while, whatever hurt you had fades to the point that the memory doesn't evoke anything - just a remembrance of a moment best forgotten.
In my case, letting go is one of the things I do badly. I feel like if I let go of someone, I will miss the opportunity to be an excellent friend. Life's Little Instruction Book states, "Be open and accessible. The next person you meet could become your new best friend." To that end, I rarely turn away from anyone - whether I should or not.
After releasing so many things this week, I have to say that I do feel better. Liberated. Less anchored in expectation and more excited to see what reveals itself. At this point, everyone who remains around to read this is someone that makes me feel good about me for no other reason than just enjoying my company.
If anyone ever tells you (in response to the question 'are you coming over?'), "Well, I ain't coming up there for nothin'", its probably best to just move on; even if it really makes a part of you feel empty.
Time heals all wounds, or at least over time you forget what you were missing. Who knows, maybe something better will come along that I didn't know about before. I sure hope so, because that was one person who knew me better than most.