Saturday, July 24, 2010

Finishing up this day

I was watching the latest episode of Eureka tonight, and I was moved by the last scene. The long and short of the scene is that one of the main characters broke off a relationship with another one. Carter (the character mentioned) had been dating Erika for a long time. To keep the sci-fi at a minimum here, I will just say that the two of them were star-crossed.

In the end, Carter just said "You can't always be the good guy." Breaking Erika's heart wasn't easy, but Carter knew that the best thing that could happen was to let go. Erika's parting words were "I love you." She was visibly devastated but time heals all wounds. Well, maybe not heal them but make them less tender to the touch. After a while, whatever hurt you had fades to the point that the memory doesn't evoke anything - just a remembrance of a moment best forgotten.

In my case, letting go is one of the things I do badly. I feel like if I let go of someone, I will miss the opportunity to be an excellent friend. Life's Little Instruction Book states, "Be open and accessible. The next person you meet could become your new best friend." To that end, I rarely turn away from anyone - whether I should or not.

After releasing so many things this week, I have to say that I do feel better. Liberated. Less anchored in expectation and more excited to see what reveals itself. At this point, everyone who remains around to read this is someone that makes me feel good about me for no other reason than just enjoying my company.

If anyone ever tells you (in response to the question 'are you coming over?'), "Well, I ain't coming up there for nothin'", its probably best to just move on; even if it really makes a part of you feel empty.

Time heals all wounds, or at least over time you forget what you were missing. Who knows, maybe something better will come along that I didn't know about before. I sure hope so, because that was one person who knew me better than most.

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