The new Geico commercials are funny...not so much so as the Progressive commercials with Flo. I think Flo is a great spokes person for any company. Just about everyone likes a smart lady with answers. I know a couple and its one essential thing to have around in a crisis. If you want something done right, just have a lady do it.
Every Executive Officer I ever had as Chancellor was a woman. Women are better leaders and organizers, in my opinion. I see all these women I am friends with on Facebook and read some of their posts - and Ill say that Im really glad that I havent made any of them mad. Hell hath no fury, remember.
I keep hearing bangs upstairs. Mind you, its almost one a.m. and there are two eleven year olds up there doing God knows what. Believe it or not, the radar is showing a large echo moving north of all directions toward the house. Maybe tonight will have a little shower before its all said and done.
A few people are on vacation at the beach and I hope they are doing well. Aliens is on Spike and I have no intention of going too far. My sister's birthday was today and all indications were that she had a great time. I still see her sometimes as the 9 year old in the Easter dress swinging on the old playset in our back yard on Faircrest Drive. Way to go, ASWD - if you see this.
The long dog days of summer are rolling past. Before you know it, fall will be on us. I wont be complaining - some of the best weather to see happens in the early Autumn - right about the first couple weeks of October. Until later today, I hope all is well out there in cyber space and that you each take care of yourselves.
The story continues to be written - first draft done soon.
I still miss STM and TAH.
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