Saturday, July 31, 2010

The And Credit

Just about every television show or movie has a certain kind of opening credits. There is ALWAYS the "Starring" credit. That's someone who completely moves the story along and without them - nothing worth watching happens. Sometimes there are two or three actors who 'star' in the show. Then, another favorite, comes the "Also Starring". I envision those folks as comic relief, dramatic support, or happy role that accompanies the star. They're quirky, naive, and occasionally hate-able.

The third credit that should be included in this post is the "With" credit. This person can be absolutely anyone from cameo appearance of a former star to just a person who comes on screen a couple of times but has some influence on the piece. This isnt always the case. Babylon 5 regular Peter Jurasik (as G'Kar) had the aforementioned credit and his character was central to just about every episode.

Now, the crux of the post, the all-famous and fun "And" quote. My two favorites are "And Martin Sheen" from The West Wing and "And Judi Dench" as the kickass M from the new James Bond movies.

The And credit is awarded to that actor who, when they come onto the scene, captures all the action, suspense, and nuance from any the other players. Think about it - how many 'and' actors you really enjoy?

Ive asked a ton of people which credit they want. As for me, I want...

"And Dave Whitaker as the Chancellor Emeritus" Damn, I really love the way that looks.

1 comment:

  1. I like And Bruce Willis, but I don't know if there is actually a movie where he is the "and" credit.
