Saturday, July 17, 2010

First thoughts

I never really understood why people blogged. Just seemed to me like a one-way window into another's personal thoughts. I decided to blog because no one ever listens - but a great many people read. I know I am one of the faceless hordes of writers out there but if Carrie Bradshaw can post things that are pithy and interesting, then I can too.

A fantastic storm woke me up at 930 this morning. Its pretty rare around these parts to get a morning storm. It was a welcome sight. I love the rain. Mostly because when I was little it meant that we had to play inside. I was terrible at sports or just wasn't interested in them. It was the perfect cover to play with Lego's and imagination and not have to fake some injury.

I get very irritated when people don't listen. I am aware of my shortcomings in the knowledge category. However, there are a couple of subjects in which I am well versed. I enjoy adding to any conversation, but not at the risk of usurping any other view. People who can't a) admit when they are mistaken or b) hold all the answers [or even c) suggest that you think YOU know everything] are incredibly irritating and difficult for me to stomach.

Maybe that is another reason I decided to blog. At least this way, I get to have my say without any commentary or snippy comeback. I have heard that the elderly like to feel as if they still have a purpose in order to keep on living. I have heard that the word elderly comes from a root meaning 'loss'. I think today I definitely feel elderly, but at least it rained a while.

Forecast for the remainder of today calls for scattered thunderstorms. The recent radar loop seems to indicate that storms are coming this way, and I can hear some distant thunder rumbling in the distance. I sure hope the rain makes me feel less elderly and more enlightened.

1 comment:

  1. glad to be invited to your blog. what's the deal with the weather anyway?
