Thursday, September 30, 2010

Maybe I shouldnt have asked for so much...

Wilmington NC set an all time record for rainfall since record keeping began A HUNDRED THIRTY YEARS AGO! Ok, so maybe that was a touch too much rain. The only thing that would have made it better (aside from the Sailway couch and beer or the Pinebluff Porch) would have been to be in Myrtle Beach on a balcony watching it. Maybe next time...

Holy crap - THAT was rain. Fall is here.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

And the rain listened...

Two more days of solid rain. Didn't see this one coming. Just goes to show you what Ive heard can go both ways; its the things you don't expect. Id like to take a moment to pay my respects to Mr. Glenn Marlin. He will be sorely missed by all who knew him. Im glad I got to know him since his grandson and I have been friends over the last twenty-two some odd years.

Take a moment today to call someone you love and tell them that you do. You just never know. Its the things you don't expect...

Monday, September 27, 2010

Rain, Rain - - Stay.

It has arrived, my friends. The rain - two whole days of it. Solid and cool, this event marks the end of an eventful summer. I plan on doing quite a bit of writing while I still can as I think it may rain tomorrow as well. The Dixie Classic Fair has been coming to Winston-Salem for over 80 years and it is coming here Friday. I will most likely go with my sister and brother-in-law next weekend, as I havent been in MANY MANY years. Nothing like elephant ears and having someone guess your weight to make you feel like Fall has indeed arrived.

Supernatural was a slight disappointment Thursday. Something about AD Skinner from the X-Files as the Grandfather just makes me feel like Mulder and Skully are sitting outside in a car waiting to arrest the Winchesters.

A big thanks this week to JPA for reminding me, yet again, I had become lax in writing and to Abshire for allowing me to explain the science and mathematics behind "The Event" on NBC.

One more thing - - PGR - for the Busch Light, the garage sitting, and for letting me lock you out of your house. Sorry about that.

Now - I wonder if its gonna rain Friday...

Thursday, September 23, 2010

All the great shows

The West Wing, Smallville, Eureka, Battlestar Galactica - and now - Fringe. I am beyond stoked for this to have come back on. It looks like an amazing season. So, even though there is no rain in sight - (lets hope for Saturday)...

There is Fringe...and Supernatural tomorrow night. Hallelujah!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Almost just isnt enough

So, I came outside to watch the first thunderstorm of Fall roll this way in my usual spot. I can see the lightning - but for some strange reason - the core of the storm is moving DUE east - - - and will miss us altogether. What a shame. It looked like a good one. At least the light show is good.

Another good thing about this week is that the new seasons of your (and my) favorite shows are coming back...and none too soon. The Biggest Loser wont get good til about January, but at least Supernatural and Fringe are here again. The weekend is coming soon and I hope everyone has decent plans out there. Depth isnt coming these days. Ive been working on my latest short story and its consumed most of my pith and creativity.

If any of you play Frontierville - SEND ME BRICKS!! Im about to stop playing that effing game because I cant get what I need. Maybe its a sign...

...or maybe not.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Post One Hundred and Warehouse Thirteen

The season finale of Warehouse 13 hit close to home this evening. I felt EXACTLY the same way when I left that town in Virginia. Sometimes you just know things arent for the best and as much as it sucks, you just have to walk away. Almost always, things work out and you find something that was better. I cant say Ive been disappointed when Ive walked away from things before...tho they almost always suck in the short term.

In other news - tomorrow is game night and we are on part three of our campaign. Sure could use another person for a third adventurer. Hump day tomorrow folks - have a good one and dont work too hard.

Monday, September 20, 2010

The diet begins - but its not the worst part

I actually walked around the block TWICE today. Seriously - Dave Whitaker, exercise? Isn't that like George Bush scoring high on the MENSA exam? Well folks, as Stuart Robinson said earlier, "It must indeed be cold in the upper reaches of Hades". Still I like eating better, more often BUT much MUCH smaller portions, and with spices. Get this - HALF a chicken breast FILLED ME UP.

Yes, youre talkin to the guy who COULD at one time eat 6 Big Mac's at one sitting and still want a pie. Itll be a long road. My housemate's mother lost 30 pounds but at about a pound or two a week. I told someone that by July 4th I was hoping that I could wear a pair of their size 32 board shorts to the pool.

Time will tell. NO RAIN still - but eh, its coming soon enough. Stay tuned folks - ill be back soon enough.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

So far this September

Bruce's birthday was today. He had a great day and got an iPad. It was an amazing afternoon and Im almost Loremaster so thats three good things.

Also, if you have NEVER seen it or heard of it, get on Hulu and watch Blacula and Scream, Blacula, Scream. These two films are just amazing. Campy? Sure. Blaxploitation? Absolutely. Still, Samuel Z. Arkoff really knew how to make 'em back in the day.

Its just about depressing that there is still no rain on the horizon. When this little drought we are in comes to a halt, the equilibrium that'll be needed to bring things back into balance will make the Flood for the Ark look like a Spring sprinkle, so that one I can wait for.

Besides in about five weeks, itll be the middle of OCTOBER...and the chill will really be on its way.

Oh, and my diet is goin pretty well. Im down 8 pounds and tryin to get down to a really unmanagable weight. Pull for me.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Three at once and

We find ourselves in the midst of another busy season and there are three tropical systems in the Basin again. Alas, we have YET to get any appreciable rain out of the Hurricane season. Of course, there is another peak in October - a SLIGHT one - but I have a distinct feeling that even that won't bless us with any precipitation. After the amazing snow we had earlier in the year, I dont suppose I can complain. Nonetheless, Im still longing for a nice couple of nothing but slow even keeled rain.

My brother-in-law said earlier "Just because you are paranoid, doesn't mean that theyre not out to get you." Man, thats the truth. Wanting something doesnt make it happen. Dreaming hard enough doesnt make dreams come true. Im not being pessimistic here, more like being realistic. Granted, the universe unfolds as it should - and I completely agree with that.

Ill keep being paranoid, it wont help, and no rain in the forecast til at least next week. At least my panic attack is over. It really sucked.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

The evening wears on

Oh my. Someone said "if the Green Mile came on, youd have an emotional orgasm". How true.

The rain holds off for another couple hours - and I wonder.

What comes next? I keep asking this question like it should strike me out of the blue. Eventually, Ill figure this one out for myself.

In the interim, Igor swirls, the rain approaches, and im gonna finish my beer.

Good news - dont panic

I have started into a case of coma beer in anticipation of three things. 1) Its going to rain in about an hour for the first time in about a week. 2) the Miami football game today (yes, I watch college football thanks to a certain Regenthal) and 3) writing the ending to the most recent short story. 9 episodes of Voyager and TNG on the DVR and an airshow that has really big aircraft over our house every now and again.

It should be an interesting day. Holler if you choose, tho Facebook wont be around TOO much.

Friday, September 10, 2010

The Book of Eli

Oof. Fantastic movie. If you havent seen it, do. Denzel really makes this one happen in a good way. Its my pick of the weekend. After seeing it, I have to consider a couple items and a post or two.

Do more for others than you do for yourself, thats what I took from it anyway.

Monday, September 6, 2010

The Last Song

Not bad. Weepy. People you love can be around to watch you make mistakes. At least theyre not nearly as critical or apt to walk away when you dump the load in the middle of the road.

Ok, so the movie was predictable - but sometimes predictability is a good thing. Autumn is coming more quickly than I anticipated. I do sincerely wonder what will happen before Christmas in just about everything.

Oh yes, there is some perfect moment music imbedded pretty deep in the film. REALLY good. Ill have to search that out.

Soon - soon enough - time will tell. But damn, I sure as hell wish it would rain. There is ZERO in the forecast until at least MONDAY of next week. Perhaps thats when the winds will change direction and Ill push off from the dock. Heres hoping the sail can pick the breeze up and move me away.

Its never the stuff you see

I heard once that its never the stuff you see - but the stuff that sneaks up on you that does the most damage. Yep. Thats the God's honest truth. No way to get around it either. I cant believe that Im watching 'The Last Song'.

This is going to be a bad bad afternoon.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Events in Order

First, a caveat or two. Event One is not a band - but rather a person (Nice try Moody). I am fairly certain everyone has people whove come into their lives and changed it to the degree that once they leave - you are BEYOND who you were before. There are a couple of very significant moments not included in this list.

My honorable mentions - - PGR - you were significant in a MUCH different way. You can be the Judge of what. Thanks for letting me be part of your family. JPA - you are something else. You taught me to get off my dead ass and stop feeling sorry for myself. Im glad Ive seen you do so much. Im proud of you. Nothing works unless you do. RC - you got married!! You found your purpose - - I told you would. Um Hum. Thanks for so much it goes without mentioning. Riverton High Football rules!

THE EVENTS (in chronological order)

Event Negative One - DJE. I had no idea that twenty six years later that this person would have been such an influence. This event taught me to be strong and just MOVE. Happiness comes by doing. Trust may be hard but when it counts - I know youll be there. Five.

Event Zero - STM. One movie, many posts, countless IM conversations. I am good enough just the way I am. Like it, lump it, fuck it, build a bridge and get over it. Respect is earned or taken. This one taught me that Im strong enough to do what needs doing.

Event One - BSJ. Saw this one this past weekend. Photo on Facebook to come. This one taught me I am looked up to. Im smart, fun, and protective. This one was the hardest to let go of. Moving on sucks sometimes, but if its meant to be - theyll show back up....even if its twenty years later.

Event Two - SDC. Mutual respect and protection are the names of the game. This event motivated me to leave one life and start another one. Man, was that a good choice.

Event A - BAF. Serendipity. You almost didnt become "Billboard" because we didnt want to lose you. You did - and things changed, but you are still one amazing guy. I think things worked out in the end. 465 or not - thanks for being a great friend.

Event B - KWL - Ken Colgrove. SPURS - through thick and thin - disappointment and elation. The twenty year plan is still in place. Thanks for telling me truth and still being my friend. That takes some balls.

Event C - TAH. Thanks for inviting a total stranger for Christmas. You changed the rules of the game and its players. For so many, you were the coolest person they knew and you were nice to them. Youll receive your reward - oh wait - I think you have. She looks amazing. Congrats.

Event Three - MAB. Holy shit. This one takes the top spot. This one taught me more than I can summarize. Only one true almost come to blows fight - but man, I love my little brother. The original, you might say. Look how far youve come. I called it - and it makes me so happy I could cry.

Event Four - BML. The days and nights spent talking, listening, planning are almost endless. The Southernmost point and the back porch are our places. The OC - Conclave - and Key West. Western Kentucky at Christmas and central Virginia in the Summer. The delivery of life changing news and a beautiful daughter. All things change but they will always stay the same - IBW.

Some ladies to thank as well.

AWD - Daddy would be so proud of you. I am. Great mother and wonderful wife. Stop giving Drew a hard time. Youre tough, smart, and not to be fucked with. I love my sister.

AMR - Beautiful family and more patience than Mother Teresa. Thanks for McDonalds frappe's and just listening to me ramble. Ill always be your Hazel. "Are you ready for your afternoon tea, your Grace?"

ESD - A man is the sum of his memories, me even more so. When I have to prove myself, I can say you taught me how. Im stronger, more able, and wiser because of you. The funny thing is that there about a thousand people who are too - because of you. Believe in yourself - there are a shit ton of people out there who believe in themselves because you did first.

CSB - One amazing house mate, ride sharer, and cook. You are one fine example of "my way or the highway". Thanks for supporting when no one else did.

Oh, and Caprice - for your continual support. You got what you deserved - the Happily Ever After. Imagine that...

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Part One of the Weekend

GREAT first beginning night. Talked to a great many people - had a good amount of beer and now its off to the Titans game. Afterwards, a race and then ck to Castle Regenthal for part 2. Lets see how this one goes.

ESD - Thanks for talking last night. Glad I worked for THE Queen of Student Development.

AD - Next weekend for sure.

DJE - 3 PM

As a side note, everyone who talks to me should take down my drunken ramblings and let me read them the next day. Thats always fun.

Oh yes, it turns out that people on FB that I didnt think wanted to be friends have found me again. Thats a promising sign.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Early to Rise

This morning, the hurricane is tracking just to the north east of Cape Hatteras, with bands of squalls moving as far inland as Greenville. Even though it looks like theres a nice dark purple cloud bank off to the east here this AM, its not associated with Earl. Oh well. The rain looks pretty impressive watching the coverage on 12.

I hope everyone has a great weekend. The Labor Day holiday has arrived. Summer is almost officially over. It has been a long hot one with a ton of changes for everyone. Lets hope that Fall 2o10 is a little wetter, a little slower, and a little kinder to us all.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


I am blown away. Since I started writing, 1877 hits have been recorded on this page. I have no idea what everyone is doing looking here - this is simply an old, weird, stubborn, anxiety ridden screw up's place to vent on the web. What on earth would have promped 1877 hits since May? ALMOST freaky enough for me to stop posting, but this point...why would I?

Shifting gears, NEP told me a week or so ago that everyone makes mistakes and that there are people in this world who love me and worry about me. --deep exhale-- Of all the things Ive screwed up in the past, I wonder if absolution will ever come. I know I have to forgive myself for all my mistakes before anyone else can - if those apologies ever get made. On occasion, I wonder if I will turn out like my Dad did in the end; just before he died. I can remember him being riddled with guilt over things past and no idea what his future would hold. Im sure we all feel that way on occasion, but he didnt get over it.

If 1877 page views since May have been registered, that means that just 20 people look at this blog a day - which isnt too bad. There are a shit ton of people out there who couldnt count 20 friends from their whole lives...for that...Im blessed.

Part two of the Star Trek rant will come soon enough - man - I cannot get over just how unbelieveably bad bad bad that movie was. So much for reboots.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The New Star Trek Movie - part one.


Well, I never thought any of my posts would resort to out and out ranting but this is just awful.

Nothing about the new JJ Abrams butchery of 40 years of a sci-fi icon is worthy of being seen over again. The first ten minutes is pure drivel. Since when did ships that old carry 20 shuttle craft? Since when would now orphaned Jim Kirk be listening to Beastie Boys Sabotage? Angels of Grace save us.

At least they got Vulcan right. Oh wait - what about the IDIC? I thought there was supposed to be a tolerance for things different. THE ONLY thing that was right was the green blood on Spock's lip.

What the hell is a Starfleet installation doing in the middle of Iowa anyway? Thats just preposterous. Ok - THEN Jim Kirk hits on Uhura? This is more than Darth Vader making C-3PO; oh wait - he did. And then Kirk morphs into some Matt Damon "Good Will Hunting" reject? Beyond insanity.

Lets move on to Bones McCoy - Hold old is he anyway? 40? AND REALLY? Medea is Starfleet Commander Komack? Honestly? Lets have Tyler Perry run Starfleet - wait Komack was a WHITE MAN! Anyone see the episode "The Trouble with Tribbles"?

Eric Bana as the Romulan who starts communications with "Hello?" and what the hell is "the red matter"? NO ROMANCE between Uhura and Spock. Just cant fathom that one.

More to come - but man alive -- so far SO BAD.

All this, and Im sober.

Event One - T minus Two days

With Hurricane Earl scheduled to miss the Triad of North Carolina, we are completely out of the woods for Saturday rain. However, I will be seeing Event One with the Dutchess of Regenthal and watch Judge Regenthal coach tiny tot football at the Titans Field. Afterwards, (get ready for this) I am going to Farmington DRAGWAY (glup) for a race and then back to Regenthals for Sailway BeerFest 2010.

Next weekend, I think I will pester the crap out of my sister before taking the trip to ATL to see Sam and Kim. Dear Lord - I wonder if staying out is good for me.

In the interim, RBB2 and I are watching the new Star Trek and totally destroying its content for fun.

Just a little rain would be least theres another rain maker behind this one.